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Paul Davidson

This Week’s Amazing Events (And Who Will Play Them In The Movie Version)

So many things happening, and so many movie adaptations based on the many things happening in my life.

Moving Day When a writer named Paul Davidson (played by Ben Stiller) goes to store his crap, lock it up and keep the key at his local storage space provider, he’s surprised to find a transient living in his storage space (played by Phillip Seymour Hoffman). The transient, a once-rich millionaire who made all his money selling meat-flavored jelly beans, pledges his allegiance to Davidson offering to help him in his upcoming move. But when Davidson’s shoes start disappearing, hilarity ensues.

The Paper Trail A musical comedy about an astronaut turned magazine writer named Paul Davidson (played by Mark Wahlberg) who discovers by accident that the article he’s been hired to write is, in fact, the first step in a new governmental program to enslave human society through subliminal scratch n’ sniff journalism (the pictures smell when you scratch them, the words do too but they only smell like licorice). Now, faced with getting his pay for the freelance magazine article or getting a medal by saving the world — Davidson must sing his way through treacherous action sequences with really frilly costumes as hilarity ensues.

Lunch Trap Paul Davidson is a food critic (who was once a writer) played by twins Mary Kate & Ashley Olson who schedules a lunch during the week he’s (those girls are) moving only to have the most amazing eggs benedict ever. The slapstick comedy co-stars Andy Richter, Eugene Levy and Florence Henderson as the co-owners of the restaurant serving the eggs benedict whose lives are shoved into the limelight as Davidson (the Olsen Twins) lets the world know that even while moving, there can be superior dining experiences. Oh, and hilarity ensues at some point as well.

Socks: The Movie A sci-fi/drama/action-adventure/comedy/period-piece about a 1960’s sock-wearing writer (played by Hugh Jackman) who finds that every time he puts on a particular pair of socks, he becomes the fastest runner in the world. Winning Olympics after Olympics with no challenges in sight, Davidson decides that if he’s the fastest runner, he just may be able to run across the Atlantic if he keeps his speed up long enough. Faster than you can say Jesus, Davidson is crossing the Atlantic and running into characters larger than life. There’s some hilarity in there, as well.

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